Wednesday, December 25, 2019

DC Circuit analysis

Experiment Name : DC Circuit analysis.

Introduction :

Simulink is a MATLAB-based graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multi-domain dynamical systems. In this experiement we will create a model for DC Circuit analysis. We will verify the Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).

Objective :

Design and simulate any system in Simulink before moving to hardware. Basically MATLAB Simulink is to
1. Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.
2. We will design and simulate a simple DC circuit consist of Two DC source and verify the Ohm’s law. (Figure 1)
3. Secondly we will verify the Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). KCL states that, in a closed circuit, the entering current at node is equal to the current leaving at the node.
4. We will design and simulate circuit consisting multiple node and two voltage source. Thus verify the KCL. (Figure 2)

Matlab Simulink:

Figure 1: Verifiication of Ohm's Law

Figure 2: Verification Of Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)

Simulation and analysis :

i. At first, We lauch the Matlab. Here we are using MATLAB R2013a version. Then we need to write “Simulink” on command window of the matlab in order to launch the MATLAB Simulink, Where the libraries of Simulink Blocks that are available for use in constructing Simulink models.
ii. After that we navigated to library directory as follows — Simscape > SimPowerSystems > Electrical Sources and drag and drop the two “DC Voltage Source” in our Newly created modal page. All the electrical component such as resistor, inductor or capacitor can be found in Elements section. After that we need to component as with mouse pointer as our diagram/model needed to be. Commoponent canbe easily copied with in model while holding the ctrl key while dragging the commonnent.
iii. All the measuing instrument such as multi-meter/Ammeter/Voltmeter can be cound in library directory as follows — Simscape > SimPowerSystems > Measurement. In order to display the measurement value we also need to add the LCD Display/Scope component fromlibrary directory as follows  — Simulink  > Sinks.
iv. We also need to add Math Adder components which is located to library directory as follows — Simulink > Math Operation > ADD/Sum. We also need the increase the port of sum/add operator going to it’s option and adding + to port seciton.
v. After that we add the powergui on our deign blocks. It stores the equivalent Simulink circuit that represents the state-space equations of the model.
vi. Now we have to design the circuit manually by dragging mouse pointer carefully.
vii. To emulate the simulation, We need to Run the Simulation model. First open the scope window by double-clicking on it. Then go to Simulation Start. When the simulation has completed we will see the output on the scope.


In this experiement we design a DC circuit consisting two DC source. We measure and analyze the current of the circuit in different terminal. Thus we simulate and verify the Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) using MATLAB Simulink.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Experiment Name :   Introduction to Simulink in MATLAB

Objectives :

To write differential equations and transfer functions describing the dynamics of electric    circuits.
To introduce MATLAB and Simulink as tools for control solution.
To find the output response using MATLAB and Simulink.


Basically the word MATLAB means matrix laboratory which was initially developed by a lecturer in 1970’s to help students learn linear algebra.Matlab is a software package which can be used to perform analysis and solve mathematical and engineering problems, whereas Simulink is used in this experiment. Simulink is used to model, analyze and simulate dynamic systems using block diagrams. It is fully integrated with MATLAB, which makes it easy and fast to learn and it is also flexible. In this experiment we are using both Matlab and Simulink to solvetransfer functions in order to obtain results such as plotting response of unit impulse and unit stepoutput.

Simulation and Analysis:
After the MATLAB is opened Simulink session can be started in 2 ways .
In the MATLAB command window enter the command
>> simulink
The alternate method is to click the Simulink icon in the MATLAB toolbar
 A Simulink window will open as shown in Figure 1. This window shows the libraries of Simulink Blocks that are available for use in constructing Simulink models.
                                           Fig.1: Fig.1: Simulink Library window 

Open an existing model or create a new one. To create a new model 
 select File > New>Model and new model window will appear . 
Help or Instructions. Pull down on the help menu in either the Matlab or the Simulink library
window. Matlab and Simulink have extensive on-line help menus which include tutorials and
demonstrations to help you.  Also type >>demo simulink at the command prompt to see other help option.
For voltage and current measurement :
Simulink –>Sim power system –> Powergui
Simulink –>Sim power system –> Electrical source –> Select Dc power supply
Simulink –>Sim power system –> Elements–>select Parallel RLC Branch
Simulink–>sim power system–>Measurements –> Select Current Measurements 
Simulink–>sim power system–>Measurements –> Select voltage Measurements 

                  Fig.2: pig.2: Simulation of voltage and current measurement by one resistor.

Fig.3: Simulation of voltage measurement by using two resistor in series and apply voltage divider rules.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


diode is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the anode and the cathode. Most diodes are made with semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium, or selenium. Some diodes are comprised of metal electrodes in a chamber evacuated or filled with a pure elemental gas at low pressure.

The first post of my EEE blog


DC Circuit analysis

Experiment Name   : DC Circuit analysis. Introduction : Simulink is a MATLAB-based graphical programming environment for modeling, sim...